Artificial Intelligence vs Data Analytics: Which is More Suited to Predictive Maintenance

January 07, 2022


In the era of Industrial Automation, it is crucial to be proactive and prevent downtime for a productive and profitable industry. Predictive maintenance is the new buzzword that promises a smarter and cost-effective maintenance strategy. The approach employs advanced technologies such as Artificial Intelligence and Data Analytics to predict possible breakdowns and identify potential faults beforehand. But which between the two is more suited for predictive maintenance? In this blog post, we'll compare the strengths and weaknesses of Artificial Intelligence and Data Analytics in predictive maintenance.

What is Predictive Maintenance?

Predictive maintenance is a maintenance strategy that ensures industrial equipment functions efficiently by identifying possible faults, malfunctions, or breakdowns in advance. This is achieved through data, which can be either historical or real-time, from multiple sources that are analyzed to predict any issues. The data could be environmental, operational, or performance-related, and this detailed analysis and prediction made possible by data-driven technologies such as Data Analytics and Artificial Intelligence.

Artificial Intelligence in Predictive Maintenance

Artificial Intelligence (AI) involves the creation of machines or systems that can perform tasks that typically require human intervention, such as cognitive abilities, speech recognition, and visual perception. By leveraging AI-powered algorithms, predictive maintenance can autonomously monitor and predict faults in real-time, eliminating the reliance on an expert technician for predictive maintenance.

Strengths of AI in Predictive Maintenance

  • AI leverages Machine Learning (ML) to learn from patterns and predict possible faults based on the data analyzed.
  • The technology is scalable and can analyze vast amounts of data that might exceed the human capacity.
  • It has a high accuracy rate in predicting possible faults, reducing costly downtime and last-minute breakdown maintenance.
  • It can handle a variety of sources, including data from remote sensors, to detect and compare patterns for maintenance predictions.

Weaknesses of AI in Predictive Maintenance

  • Implementing AI technology comes at a significant cost, from developing the algorithm to deployment and maintenance.
  • They require a specific skill set to develop and maintain.
  • The technology is complex and may not be easy for non-technical personnel to understand.

Data Analytics in Predictive Maintenance

Data Analytics involves the process of collecting, processing, and interpreting data to provide meaningful insights. In predictive maintenance, it involves collecting data about equipment and analyzing them to determine the need for maintenance.

Strengths of Data Analytics in Predictive Maintenance

  • It is cost-effective since it uses historical data, eliminating the need for additional deployment or investment.
  • It is more comfortable to understand and can be interpreted by non-technical personnel.
  • The technology can be deployed quickly, providing the required insights that can be acted upon promptly to prevent downtime.

Weaknesses of Data Analytics in Predictive Maintenance

  • Predictive maintenance through Data Analytics is most effective when the data collected is clear and relevant. It may not be enough to provide insights into situations that are unique.
  • Data Analytics may struggle to handle high-frequency data generated in real-time, which is required for some industrial automation applications.
  • Data Analytics has limitations in its ability to interpret contextual data, which AI can solve.

Which between AI and Data Analytics is more suited to Predictive Maintenance?

From the comparison above, we can conclude that neither Artificial Intelligence nor Data Analytics are more fitted to predictive maintenance. Instead, they are complementary, with each having unique characteristics that the other lacks. Artificial Intelligence can analyze vast amounts of complex data using Machine Learning and deep neural algorithms, leading to a better accuracy rate in predicting faults. It is also flexible to identify trends over extended periods, enabling effective maintenance scheduling. On the other hand, Data Analytics provides a more cost-effective predictive maintenance solution by leveraging historical data, providing insightful information that non-technical personnel can understand. It is also easily implementable, providing rapid and straightforward results while being effective in handling structured data.


Predictive maintenance is a crucial strategy for industrial automation, enabling you to automate maintenance processes to reduce downtime and costs by implementing Data Analytics and Artificial Intelligence. Now you know that these technologies are not mutually exclusive. Data Analytics and Artificial Intelligence can work together, leading to optimal results in predicting possible equipment failures. By identifying the strengths and weaknesses of each technology, you can identify the most viable solution for your industry. Remember to approach predictive maintenance with an open mind and evaluate your company's unique situation in deciding which of the two technologies will benefit your maintenance strategy most.


  1. Predictive Maintenance – What it is, why it matters and how to get started
  2. Predictive Maintenance using Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
  3. Data Analytics for Predictive Maintenance

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